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Semen Analysis Test Male Fertility Test Sperm Test in Dubai
Semen Analysis Test
Semen | Sperm Sample
Age Group:
18 Above
300.00 AED
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Sperm Count Test in Dubai 

Semen Analysis Test

Sperm Test Male Fertility Test Semen analysis Test in Dubai Sperm Test in Dubai

  • Sperm Test /Semen Analysis Test

Physical and Chemical Examintaion
* Volume
* pH, Semen
* Colour, Semen
* Viscosity
* Liquification
Microscopic Examination
* Sperm Concentration
Motality - Immediate
* Progressive
* Non Progressive
* Immotile
Motality - After 1 Hr
* Progressive.
* Non progressive.
* Immotile
* Normal forms
* Abnormal Forms
* Agglutination
* Clumping
Epithelial Cells 

* Parasites
* Cellular Debris
Biochemical Examination
* Fructose

Semen Analysis Test Near Me

Sperm Test Count in Dubai

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Male Fertility Test in Dubai | Semen Analysis Test in Dubai | Sperm Test in Dubai | Semen Analysis Test Near me in Dubai | Sperm Test Count in Dubai

Looking for a Male Fertility test near your location in Dubai UAE?

Your have reached to right place.Book Now your semen test by calling 0509796922.

The Semen Analysis Test is a crucial diagnostic tool designed to assess the health and fertility of male reproductive systems. This comprehensive examination provides valuable insights into various parameters, aiding in the evaluation of male fertility and reproductive function.Onelife keeps your information highly confidential.

 1. Purpose:

The primary purpose of a Semen Analysis is to evaluate the quantity and quality of sperm within a semen sample. This information is vital for understanding male reproductive health and assisting in fertility assessments.


 2. Indication: When is Semen Analysis Recommended?

Common Indications for Semen Analysis: Sperm Test Count in Dubai

- Couples Trying to Conceive: Recommended when couples are experiencing difficulty conceiving.

- Evaluation of Male Fertility: Essential in assessing male fertility and identifying potential issues.

- Post-Vasectomy Confirmation: To confirm the success of a vasectomy or its reversal.


 3. Procedure: What to Expect During Semen Analysis or Sperm Count Test ?

Step-by-Step Procedure: Semen Analysis Test 

1. Sample Collection: A semen sample is collected typically through masturbation into a sterile container.

2. Sample Processing: The sample is then analyzed for various parameters, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and other factors.

3. Laboratory Examination: Trained professionals examine the sample under a microscope to assess the sperm's health and characteristics.

4. Results Reporting: Results are typically provided with details on sperm count, motility, morphology, volume, and other relevant factors.


 4. Normal Range: Decoding Semen Analysis Results

Normal Semen Analysis Parameters:

1. Sperm Count: 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter.

2. Sperm Motility: At least 40% of sperm should be motile.

3. Sperm Morphology: At least 4% of sperm should have normal morphology.

4. Semen Volume: 1.5 to 6 milliliters.

5. Interpretation: Making Sense of the Results

Interpreting Semen Analysis Results: Sperm Test Count in Dubai

- Normal Results: Within the normal range for all parameters, suggesting healthy fertility.

- Low Sperm Count: May indicate potential fertility issues.

- Poor Sperm Motility or Morphology: Could impact the ability of sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

 Conclusion: Empowering Reproductive Health


The Semen Analysis Test is an essential tool for evaluating male reproductive health and fertility. It provides valuable information that can guide couples on their fertility journey. If results suggest any concerns, consulting with a healthcare professional or reproductive specialist is crucial for personalized guidance and potential interventions. Understanding the nuances of semen analysis empowers individuals and couples in making informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Note: The information provided is for general knowledge and educational purposes. Individual results and recommendations may vary. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for personalized advice.

Sperm Test Count in Dubai



Looking For Sperm Count Test or Semen Analysis Test in Dubai Near Me?

Call /whatsapp 0509796922 For getting semen analysis test in Dubai.

About Package

Sperm Analysis Cost Near Me Aed 300

Semen Analysis Testing In Dubai

Semen Analysis Test Near Me 

Sperm Count Test in Dubai 

Male Fertility Testing In Dubai

Sperm Test Price in UAE

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Semen Analysis Test Male Fertility Test Sperm Test in Dubai
Men Health
Semen Analysis Test
only at
300.00 AED
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Semen | Sperm Sample
Age Group:
18 Above
No Masturbation or sex for 5-6 days prior to do the test
only at
300.00 AED
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Sperm Count Test in Dubai 

Semen Analysis Test

Sperm Test Male Fertility Test Semen analysis Test in Dubai Sperm Test in Dubai

  • Sperm Test /Semen Analysis Test

Physical and Chemical Examintaion
* Volume
* pH, Semen
* Colour, Semen
* Viscosity
* Liquification
Microscopic Examination
* Sperm Concentration
Motality - Immediate
* Progressive
* Non Progressive
* Immotile
Motality - After 1 Hr
* Progressive.
* Non progressive.
* Immotile
* Normal forms
* Abnormal Forms
* Agglutination
* Clumping
Epithelial Cells 

* Parasites
* Cellular Debris
Biochemical Examination
* Fructose

Semen Analysis Test Near Me

Sperm Test Count in Dubai

Check our other services Doctor On Call Service | Doctor at Hotel | Doctor On Call Palm Jumeirah

Male Fertility Test in Dubai | Semen Analysis Test in Dubai | Sperm Test in Dubai | Semen Analysis Test Near me in Dubai | Sperm Test Count in Dubai

Looking for a Male Fertility test near your location in Dubai UAE?

Your have reached to right place.Book Now your semen test by calling 0509796922.

The Semen Analysis Test is a crucial diagnostic tool designed to assess the health and fertility of male reproductive systems. This comprehensive examination provides valuable insights into various parameters, aiding in the evaluation of male fertility and reproductive function.Onelife keeps your information highly confidential.

 1. Purpose:

The primary purpose of a Semen Analysis is to evaluate the quantity and quality of sperm within a semen sample. This information is vital for understanding male reproductive health and assisting in fertility assessments.


 2. Indication: When is Semen Analysis Recommended?

Common Indications for Semen Analysis: Sperm Test Count in Dubai

- Couples Trying to Conceive: Recommended when couples are experiencing difficulty conceiving.

- Evaluation of Male Fertility: Essential in assessing male fertility and identifying potential issues.

- Post-Vasectomy Confirmation: To confirm the success of a vasectomy or its reversal.


 3. Procedure: What to Expect During Semen Analysis or Sperm Count Test ?

Step-by-Step Procedure: Semen Analysis Test 

1. Sample Collection: A semen sample is collected typically through masturbation into a sterile container.

2. Sample Processing: The sample is then analyzed for various parameters, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and other factors.

3. Laboratory Examination: Trained professionals examine the sample under a microscope to assess the sperm's health and characteristics.

4. Results Reporting: Results are typically provided with details on sperm count, motility, morphology, volume, and other relevant factors.


 4. Normal Range: Decoding Semen Analysis Results

Normal Semen Analysis Parameters:

1. Sperm Count: 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter.

2. Sperm Motility: At least 40% of sperm should be motile.

3. Sperm Morphology: At least 4% of sperm should have normal morphology.

4. Semen Volume: 1.5 to 6 milliliters.

5. Interpretation: Making Sense of the Results

Interpreting Semen Analysis Results: Sperm Test Count in Dubai

- Normal Results: Within the normal range for all parameters, suggesting healthy fertility.

- Low Sperm Count: May indicate potential fertility issues.

- Poor Sperm Motility or Morphology: Could impact the ability of sperm to reach and fertilize an egg.

 Conclusion: Empowering Reproductive Health


The Semen Analysis Test is an essential tool for evaluating male reproductive health and fertility. It provides valuable information that can guide couples on their fertility journey. If results suggest any concerns, consulting with a healthcare professional or reproductive specialist is crucial for personalized guidance and potential interventions. Understanding the nuances of semen analysis empowers individuals and couples in making informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Note: The information provided is for general knowledge and educational purposes. Individual results and recommendations may vary. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for personalized advice.

Sperm Test Count in Dubai



Looking For Sperm Count Test or Semen Analysis Test in Dubai Near Me?

Call /whatsapp 0509796922 For getting semen analysis test in Dubai.

About Package

Sperm Analysis Cost Near Me Aed 300

Semen Analysis Testing In Dubai

Semen Analysis Test Near Me 

Sperm Count Test in Dubai 

Male Fertility Testing In Dubai

Sperm Test Price in UAE

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